Bunch of scripts for some simple post-processing of GTAVisionExport repo.
It is another kind of post-processing than is mentioned in their paper. For their original post-processing, see this repo.
You need to connect to database where managed plugin stores data.
Copy file gta-postprocessing.ini.example
to gta-postprocessing.ini
and there fill the database credentials.
Script is the generate_bboxes.py
It does post-processing in batches, processes all images per run.
Run it like this:
python /datagrid/personal/racinmat/GTAVisionExport_postprocessing/generate_bboxes.py --pixel_path /datagrid/personal/racinmat/GTA-sample-data-annotated --run 60 --dataroot /datagrid/personal/racinmat/GTA-sample-data
The run parameter is run_id of snapshots.
This can not be run on Windows, because it uses libtiff library, which works only on linux.
It stores calculated stencils as zipped numpy array, for loading, see show_driving_in_the_matrix_stencil.ipynb
Note: pausing game has significant impact on timeofday flow, it looks like during clasic 4camera data gathering, timeofday changing is 10 times slower.