
Lib NSS module to integrate IAM users/groups

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Build Status


Lib NSS module to integrate AWS IAM users/groups to Linux NSS subsystem.


A docker ubuntu 18.04 environment is used to build the AWS c++ sdk for ubuntu 18.04+.

For a ubuntu 16.04 compatible .deb use ubuntu 16.04 to build the AWS c++ sdk.

Create and launch the sdk build environment:

libnss-iam$ make docker-build
libnss-iam$ make docker-shell

Compile the AWS c++ sdk:

$USER@$aws-sdk-builder:~/libnss-iam$ make deps

Build libnss_iam.so.2:

libnss-iam$ make

Build .deb package

libnss-iam$ make test
libnss-iam$ make deb

Integration Tests

