
First project of the *Exploratory Data Analysis* course at Coursera - Johns Hopkins University

Primary LanguageR

Electric power consumption - Exploratory graphs

Author: Guillermo Florez Montero

First project of the Exploratory Data Analysis course at Coursera - Johns Hopkins University. This peroject uses data from the UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository, a popular repository for machine learning datasets. In particular, we will be using the “Individual household electric power consumption Data Set”.

Dataset: Electric power consumption [20Mb]

Description: Measurements of electric power consumption in one household with a one-minute sampling rate over a period of almost 4 years. Different electrical quantities and some sub-metering values are available. The following descriptions of the 9 variables in the dataset are taken from the UCI web site:

1. Date: Date in format dd/mm/yyyy

2. Time: time in format hh:mm:ss

3. Global_active_power: household global minute-averaged active power (in kilowatt)

4. Global_reactive_power: household global minute-averaged reactive power (in kilowatt)

5. Voltage: minute-averaged voltage (in volt)

6. Global_intensity: household global minute-averaged current intensity (in ampere).

7. Sub_metering_1: energy sub-metering No. 1 (in watt-hour of active energy). It corresponds to the kitchen, containing mainly a dishwasher, an oven and a microwave (hot plates are not electric but gas powered).

8. Sub_metering_2: energy sub-metering No. 2 (in watt-hour of active energy). It corresponds to the laundry room, containing a washing-machine, a tumble-drier, a refrigerator and a light.

9. Sub_metering_3: energy sub-metering No. 3 (in watt-hour of active energy). It corresponds to an electric water-heater and an air-conditioner.

Our overall goal here is simply to examine how household energy usage varies over a 2-day period in February, 2007. This repo contains 4 exploratory graphs and the R code to generate each one

Description png plot R code
Global Active Power histogram plot1.png plot1.R
Daily Global Active Power plot2.png plot2.R
Daily Energy Sub Metering plot3.png plot3.R
Electric power consumption (4 plots) plot4.png plot4.R

More information of this project at the official repo of the instructor.