
A benchmark dataset for document image rectification. Better results on CBDAR2007 are welcome to be added. Please contact me.

CBDAR2007 Datasets

CBDAR2007 dataset was created by Dr. Faisal Shafait for the contest of document image rectification in 2007. It was later widely used as a benchmark for evaluating the performance of various methods of document image rectification. Since the original link is hard to find, I was asked for several times to provide a new link. Here below is a BaiDuYun link that you can freely download the dataset: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1o8yq5z8

I also includes the results of my work on CBDAR2007, which was published on IEEE T-PAMI 2012 (Meng Gaofeng, Pan Chunhong, Xiang Shiming, Duan Jiangyong, Zheng Nanning. (2012). Metric Rectification of Curved Document Images. IEEE Transactions on. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol.34, pp.707-722. 10.1109/TPAMI.2011.151).

More results are welcome to be included in this dataset. Please contact me if better results are reported: gfmeng AT nlpr dot ia dot ac dot cn