CBDAR2007 dataset was created by Dr. Faisal Shafait for the contest of document image rectification in 2007. It was later widely used as a benchmark for evaluating the performance of various methods of document image rectification. Since the original link is hard to find, I was asked for several times to provide a new link. Here below is a BaiDuYun link that you can freely download the dataset: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1o8yq5z8
I also includes the results of my work on CBDAR2007, which was published on IEEE T-PAMI 2012 (Meng Gaofeng, Pan Chunhong, Xiang Shiming, Duan Jiangyong, Zheng Nanning. (2012). Metric Rectification of Curved Document Images. IEEE Transactions on. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol.34, pp.707-722. 10.1109/TPAMI.2011.151).
More results are welcome to be included in this dataset. Please contact me if better results are reported: gfmeng AT nlpr dot ia dot ac dot cn