
Chirpstack Deployment on K8s

Primary LanguageShell

Chirpstack deployment on k8s

Create the namespace

k apply -f 00-create-namespace.yaml

Deploy postgresql

k apply -f 01-postgresql-claim0-persistentvolumeclaim.yaml
k apply -f 02-postgresqldata-persistentvolumeclaim.yaml

Create a temp pod to copy postgresql init scripts to pvc-claim0

k apply -f 03-create-attach-pvc.yaml

Copy the postgresql init files to the pvc-claim0

kubectl cp -n chirpstack postgresql/001-init-chirpstack_ns.sh attach-pvc:/docker-entrypoint-i

kubectl cp -n chirpstack postgresql/002-init-chirpstack_as.sh attach-pvc:/docker-entrypoint-i

kubectl cp -n chirpstack postgresql/003-chirpstack_as_extensions.sh attach-pvc:/docker-entryp

Delete the temporary pod attach-pvc

k delete -f  03-create-attach-pvc.yaml

Deploy postgresql

k apply -f 04-postgresql-deployment.yaml
k apply -f 05-postgresql-service.yaml

Deploy mosquitto

kubectl apply -f mosquitto/

Deploy redis

k apply -f 08-redisdata-persistentvolumeclaim.yaml
k apply -f 09-redis-deployment.yaml
k apply -f 10-redis-service.yaml

Deploy chirpstack application server

k apply -f 11-chirpstack-application-server-deployment.yaml