
Toggles the "Automatically hide the taskbar" setting and optionally hides it completely.

Primary LanguageC#The UnlicenseUnlicense


Toggles the "Automatically hide the taskbar" setting and optionally hides it completely.


  • build or download TaskbarToggle.exe
  • create a shortcut in your start menu and give it a Shortcut key, e.g.:
  • screenshot of shortcut properties
  • add the -x argument to completely hide the taskbar
  • to override toggling, you can use -v to always show or -h to always hide


  • hiding only works when launched via Shortcut key (it assumes it's launched within the same process)
  • if the Shortcut key lags about 3 seconds, disabling "Let apps run in the background" usually fixes it (see this answer for more..)