
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Wine-tank assignment optimization


npm install && bower install

If you want to execute the UI, you have to install Flask first (see the install documentation).


There are 3 main components: the UI, the solver (with its server), the instance generator.

In order to interact with the UI, two commands are available:

  • gulp: compile the LESS and JS into the dist directory and minify the output, and it will copy all vendor libraries from bower_components into the vendor directory
  • gulp dev: the same as gulp plus browserSync and run the solver server.

You should run the gulp dev command which should atomatically open the UI for you in your browser.

If you want to use the solver without the UI, you can use the CLI, with the command:

python solver/solver.py <restart|firstunbound> <data file> [timelimit]

Using the CLI, you can only provide JSON formatted data file. The first argument specify the search strategy:

  • restart, choose a random variable and assign the max value, with Luby restart with factor 2
  • firstunbound, choose the first unbounded variable and assign the max value.

In general, the second one find a good solution earlier, but it is likely to be trapped in a local minimum, while the first one tries to escape from them. Hence, the firstunbound strategy is more suitable for big instances, while restart give better results for small instances.

In the test folder, there is a test instance generator useful to generate some random test instances. You can provide it some parameters (try to use it. It will complain if it doesn't like you).