
This library is an extension of https://github.com/futuresimple/android-floating-action-button

Included in this extension is support for left/right directional labels that appear on long press of the floating action buttons as well as a few other additions. To enable this within your menu, simply add fab:fab_displayHelpLabelsInHorizontalMode="true"

To include this in your project, either copy out the library project and include in your own, or follow these steps.

  1. Copy com.github.gfranks.fab.menu-1.0.aar into your projects libs/ directory.
  2. Include the following either in your top level build.gradle file or your module specific one:
   repositories {
        flatDir {
            dirs 'libs'
  1. Under your dependencies for your main module's build.gradle file, you can reference that aar file like so: compile 'com.github.gfranks.fab.menu:com.com.github.gfranks.fab.menu-1.0@aar'