Frontend Web Developer Nanodegree Projects

This repository contains my projects for Udacity's Frontend Developer Nanodegree Program.


  • 1 - Personal Blog: Create a multi-page blog website, using best practices for content and page styling with HTML and CSS, using responsive layouts, Flexbox, and CSS Grid to create the structure and design for your own blog.

  • 2 - Landing Page: Build a landing page that combines your skills with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to update and control the page and create a dynamic user experience.

  • 3 - Weather Journal App: Combine data from the OpenWeatherMap API and client side (browser) HTML forms to create a web app that records a weather journal for users. This project requires you to create an asynchronous web app that uses Web API and user data to dynamically update the UI for a Weather Journal App.

  • 4 - Evaluate a News Article with NLP: Build a web tool that allows users to run Natural Language Processing (NLP) on articles or blogs found on other websites. Using an exciting new API called Aylien, you can build a simple web interface to interact with their NLP system. This tool will give back pertinent information about the article: whether the content is subjective (opinion) or objective (fact-based) and whether it is positive, neutral, or negative in tone.

  • 5 - Capstone Project: You’ll combine all of the skills you’ve developed throughout the Nanodegree program to build an online travel app. You’ll work with data sources from multiple APIs to create a dynamic travel weather planning application that helps people plan trips by generating weather forecasts for the places they’re visiting. The design is up to you, and you’ll have the flexibility to include and combine other APIs (even your own!) to build this final project.

Graduation Certificate🎉🎉

Nanodegree Certificate

Certificate Link