
Standalone application archtetype based on Gradle and Spring

Primary LanguageGroovy

Proto App

This is an archetype of any Java or Groovy standalone application based on Springframework and Gradle.

You can generate your customized project through g8. Install g8 running these commands:

curl https://raw.github.com/n8han/conscript/master/setup.sh | sh


cs n8han/giter8


g8 gfrison/proto-app


Dependencies and build management is delegated to Gradle

If you want to run it simply type: gradle run. Other tasks:

  • compile java -- gradle compileJava

  • compile groovy -- gradle compileGroovy

  • test -- gradle test

  • run -- gradle run

  • create launch script -- gradle installApp

  • create distribution (zip) -- gradle distZip it creates a zip file according to the build.gradle's projectName and version


The project makes use of Springframework through the Grails based DSL.

It's a very concise way to handle Spring configuration. For more information (http://www.grails.org/doc/latest/guide/spring.html#springdsl).


In order to get the project dependencies in Eclipse just prompt gradle eclipse


It's possibile to customize configuration for any given environment such as development, integration, production (or whatever you want to define).

Add the folder src/main/resources/conf/{environment name}/.

Then set the proper environment's placeholer config.properties and log4j.xml.

In the deployment environment you have to set the 'APP_OPTS' system variable ex:

export APP_OPTS="-Denvironment=<development/integration/production>"