Unity Project Template

Custom Transform Inspector

Includes reset buttons, nicer wrapping of Euler angles, and snapping rotation buttons that (for me at least) also serve as a reminder of which axis means which rotation.

Also includes component context menu items for copying and pasting position/rotation/scale independantly.


Intelligently adds single or multiple children, or can group a set of GameObjects under a new parent GameObject, taking into account (as best it can) existing hierarchies.


Most of these are implemented directly from Unity's examples.

public Vector3 TestVector3 = Vector3.up;
// Nicer Vector2, Vector3 and Quaternion drawers, similar to the default Transform inspector.
public int health = 1;
public int health_min = 0;
public float health_max = 10.0f;
// Like [Range], but pulls Min and Max from introspected VarName_min and VarName_max variables.
// Supports floats and ints.
[Popup("String1", "String2", ...]
public string TestList;
// Creates an enum-style dropdown list of Strings.
[Regex (@"^(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}$", "Invalid IP address!\nExample: ''")]
public string serverAddress = "";
// Validates a string input against a regexp.
// Lifted directly from here: http://blogs.unity3d.com/2012/09/07/property-drawers-in-unity-4/

Player Preferences

Edit/Player Preferences currently has a single item, which deletes all saved player preferences.