
Local development setup for CloudPebble

Primary LanguagePython


Local development setup for CloudPebble https://developer.rebble.io/developer.pebble.com/guides/tools-and-resources/cloudpebble/index.html

This repo contains the key components of CloudPebble as submodules. It also contains a docker-compose file that will assemble all of them into something that runs like a real CloudPebble instance.

Getting Started

  1. Install Docker Toolbox (Mac, Windows), or otherwise get docker and docker-compose into a working state (Linux).
  2. Enter a shell with docker set up appropriately (e.g. via "Docker Quickstart Terminal")
  3. git clone https://github.com/gfunkmonk/cloudpebble-composed.git && cd cloudpebble-composed
  4. ./dev_setup.sh (this will take a while)
  5. docker-compose up

At the end of this, you will have seven Docker containers running. The CloudPebble-specific ones should pick up most changes without being rebuilt, although in some cases you may have to stop and restart them (re-run docker-compose up).

The current compose file assumes that the docker machine/VM is accessible at This is true by default, but may not be true for you.


  • Websocket installs are not available (working on)
  • Emulator randomly crashes Future Plans:

  • Replace bower with yarn or nodejs or anything...
  • update django to at least 1.9. (there's and old branch in pebbles github..)
  • Attempt to get the websocket phone connection working.
  • Fix more of the security risks from outdated packages and impliment HTTPS/SSL
  • Maybe update the emulator/port/patch/hack n pray to a newer version of qemu.