
A simple rest-microservice to implement a basic blog

Primary LanguageJavaThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Start the application

Thanks to SpringBoot you will only have to download, build and run the project.

The database used is an in memory h2:

  • name: microblogdb
  • username: sa
  • password: <there isn't>

During the startup some mockup data are uploaded. In fact, there are already two users loaded:

  • Username: "pippo", Password: "pippo", Roles: "USER"
  • Username: "admin", Password: "admin", Roles: "ADMIN"

As specified in the application properties the default port used is 8081.

Now (2020/05/10) the dev-jwt branch contains complete management of registration and login (server and client side) and logout (client side), also in this version the URIs have changed:

  • base path: /microblog/v2
  • login & registration: /microblog/v2/login & /microblog/v2/registration
  • h2 console: /microblog/v2/h2
  • swagger: /microblog/v2/swagger-ui.html
  • API: /microblog/v2/api/**

Users roles and permissions

There are two type of users:

  • USER: who can only comment posts.
  • ADMIN: who can both comment on posts and create them.

When you register a new user it will be assigned the role of USER.

Branch name format

master main branch, only merge is allowed.

dev main developing branch, only merge is allowed.

dev-[feature] created from dev, to develop feature, then merge into dev (ex.: dev-helloworld).

docs main documentaions branch, only merge is allowed.

docs-[document] created from docs, to write a specific document, then merge into docs (ex.: docs-visionstatement).


To see information about API organized by Swagger:



MicroBlog project implements a basic blog based on REST-microservices.

A simple web interface allows users to create and comment posts. The application is developed with SpringBoot.

Crow diagram



Thanks to @JellyLama for being the tester :)