
device.create_render_pipeline fails to locate entry point in fragment stage

Closed this issue · 4 comments


So I was following sotrh tutorial on the wgpu and implemented textures. Now I do know new updates have changed a lot of descriptors, but I did fix those changes.

However, I get error as:
wgpu error: Validation Error
error in stage FRAGMENT
unable to find an entry point at "main" stage

To test, I also tried just having a very simple fragment shader that have white color as output, still same error. I use shaderc for compiling glsl shaders to SPIR-V and no error there either. I tried even changing the main function name, still same error.

The core code for the main renderer is here and the crate that uses it, which is where shaders exist too is here

It was an error with the shaderc, sorry

Please close this issue

No problem, thanks for the update!