
Wordle combination finder

Primary LanguageRust

Wordle combination finder

This is my solution to the problem posed by Matt Parker in this YouTube video:

 Can you find: five five-letter words with twenty-five unique letters?

Differences from Matt's approach

My approach is different from Matt's in 3 key ways

1. Rust

This should be obvious. Mine's written in Rust which is a compiled language and therefore usually a bit faster.

2. Clever use of bitsets

While thinking about this problem, I had the realization that likely part of the expense Matt incurred was in checking for uniqueness of letters. Naively, it's up to 25 comparisons to see if two 5-letter words share any letters. If you're clever and you sort the letters in each word first (order doesn't matter), you can do it in at most 10 comparisons by doing a sort of merge sort.

However, we can be even more clever! Since there are only 26 letters in the English alphabet and we don't care about upper vs. lower case, we can represent a word as a 32-bit integer where each bit corresponds to a letter with the lowest bit being "A", and the 26th bit being "Z". By doing this, we can check if a word has 5 unique letters with word.letters.count_ones() == 5 and we can check if two words share any bits with (a.letters & b.letters) != 0. While this doesn't improve the algorithmic runtime at all it does reduce the constant factor a lot.

3a. Use a dumb loop

Matt was actually a bit too clever in his approach. The idea of comparing pairs of pairs looks good on the face, but it's actually worse than a well-written quintuple loop. Using Matt's original word list, with anagrams removed, there are:

  • 5977 words with unique letters
  • 3213696 pairs of words with unique letters
  • 95866204 sets of three words with unique letters
  • 26133319 sets of four words with unique letters
  • 538 sets of five words with unique letters

Matt thought he was saving himself some effort looking at pairs of pairs rather than doing something more naive. However, this ends up to work out worse than the naive solution. Even if you're good about only considering unique pairs (a naive double loop would see every pair twice), you still end up looking at $(3,213,696 * 3,213,696) / 2 = 5,163,920,990,208$ pairs of pairs. If, on the other hand, you look at sets of three words and compare those to the original set of single words, you end up looking at $95,866,204 * 5,977 = 572,992,301,308$ sets of four words which is a whole order of magnitude fewer. Thanks to the reduction you get by throwing out sets as quickly as you find a duplicate letter, building them up one additional word at a time ends up considering far fewer sets in the end.

It's also implementable as a simple quintuple loop with no additional storage so the only thing my implementation has to store is the original list of words and my list of words converted to bitsets. The intermediate sets of 2, 3, 4, and 5 words are never stored, leading to what's likely a much lower memory footprint.

3b. Use slightly cleverer dumb loop

While the dumb loop approach cuts out an order of magnitude, it's still way slower than we want. A lot of this comes from the fact that we keep trying all sorts of word combinations we should know up-front won't work. The new approach is a bit of a hybrid. First, we compute the list of all pairs that have 10 unique letters. At the same time, for each word, we record its range in the list of pairs where that word matches the first element in the pair.

Armed with these pairs, we're able to do the final loop. Instead of iterating over all the words later in list like we did in the original dumb version, we look up the range for the last word in our set and walk that subrange of the list of pairs and look at the other word in the pair. If you consider the words as nodes in a graph with edges wherever two words share no letters, this is the equivalent of walking only the edges coming out of a node rather than all the nodes (words) in the graph. This significantly reduces the runtime.