
A promise-based, JavaScript library for Spotify Web API; made to simplify spotify app integration for developers.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A promise-based, JavaScript library for Spotify Web API; made to simplify spotify app integration for developers.

How to use

Create a SpotifyClient object in a separate file (i.e. "spotify-service.js") and export it to other files where needed.


import SpotifyClient from "./spotify-client";


export default spotify;

Once the client object is made, you must authorize a user. You can link to spotify authorization by accessing spotify.authURL.

index.js (NextJS Example)

import Link from 'next/link'
import spotify from './spotify-service'

export default function Home() {
  return (
      <Link href={spotify.authURL} >
        Log in

Clicking the authorization link and authorizing successfully will redirect to the specified url (NOTE: make sure your redirect url exists in your file directory), along with an authorization code query string attached.

Within the file of the specified redirect url, either at render or page ready, call the spotify.authorize method, passing in the authorization code as its only argument.

login.js (NextJS Example)

import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import { useRouter } from 'next/router'
import spotify from './spotify-service'

export default function Login() {
    const router = useRouter();

    useEffect(() => {
        if (router.isReady) {
            spotify.authorize(router.query.code as string);
    }, [router.isReady])
    return (

And, you're all set! When you want to make a request to Spotify, implement the methods within the login.js file.

Example Usecases

Creating and updating a playlist

spotify.createPlaylist("226mjvs6gbx2tsrvtmuhrybdy", {
    "name": "Test Playlist 2022",
    "description": "This is a test playlist",
    "public": true,
    "collaborative": false

const playlist = await spotify.getPlaylist("5fWm7Rb5EMeIlna3tNRLwv");

const image = await spotify.getPlaylistCoverImage("5fWm7Rb5EMeIlna3tNRLwv");

Controlling playback and volume


const currentPlayback = await spotify.getPlaybackState({
    "addtional_types": "epsiode"

const recentTracks = await spotify.getRecentlyPlayed({
    "after": "1484811043508"

    "uri": "spotify:track:4iV5W9uYEdYUVa79Axb7Rh",
    "device_id": "0d1841b0976bae2a3a310dd74c0f3df354899bc8"

spotify-client supports the entirety of the official Spotify Web API, as of November 2022. Refer to https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/ for available query and body parameters for individual requests.