
Reinforcement learning to solve the game Canoe

Primary LanguagePython


This learning-project draws heavily from Deep Learning and the Game of Go (Manning, 2019), adapted to Dale Walton's abstract strategy game Canoe (BGG page, Elm implementation). The goal is to use convolutional neural nets and reinforcement learning through self-play to improve a Canoe bot that starts with basically no knowledge of the game.

In this version of Canoe, both players alternate placing pegs and have no opportunity to retract a peg once it is placed.

Current status

Learning stalls after just a few iterations. The actor-critic bot beats the random bot 90%+ of the time. However, it is still trivial for a human to win against the bot. Further progress might take more training iterations (AWS mysteriously refused my request to pay for a GPU). Many paths forward, including: try to solve the case where a single canoe wins; embrace AlphaZero's Monte-Carlo rollouts and tree search.

Steps and strategies

  1. Implement logic
    • Legal moves, victory conditions, program simple agents: Random, Neighbor, and Greedy
  2. Simple neural net to learn agent strategies (nn-)
    • Infer the rules of Canoe, roughly copying the Greedy strategy but never improving beyond it
  3. Policy gradient learning (rl-)
    • Use self-play data to increase probability of every move that happened during a win
  4. Q-learning (q-)
    • Input the game-state and a proposed move to estimate an action-value function which predicts the chance of winning after a particular move
  5. Actor-critic learning (ac-)
    • Directly learn both a policy function (i.e. which move to make) and a value function (weighting the importance of each move)

To run

  1. python ac-init-agent.py -o <model-output-file>
  2. python ac-self-play.py -i <model-input-file> --o <data-output-file> --num-games 5000
  3. python ac-train.py -i <model-input-file> -o <model-output-file> -e <data-input-file>
  4. Repeat steps 2 & 3, evaluating progress

Classical bot agent comparison (win rates)

  • Random: choose from any open space
  • Neighbor: choose adjacent to opponent's previous move
  • Greedy: take any move that wins, avoid any move that allows immediate loss, else choose adjacent to opponent (note: does not automatically block opponent's winning canoes)
Bot 1 Bot 2 Ties
Neighbor Random
.549 .400 .051
Greedy Random
.824 .146 .030
Greedy Neighbor
.710 .152 .138

For random moves, first player wins 53.1% of time.

Benchmarks (unfinished):

Bot 1 Bot 2 Ties
Epoch 8 Random
.000 .000 .000
Epoch 9 Random
.000 .000 .000
Epoch 10 Random
.000 .000 .000

The encoding model

AlphaGo uses some 48 feature planes. Here we use 8 arrays, each 6-by-13:

Plane Description
0 all 1 if current player is Player 2
1 1 if current player has peg at location
2 1 if opponent has peg at location
3 1 if spot is legal, open
4 1 if spot completes current player canoe
5 1 if spot completes oppoonent canoe
6 1 if spot is in current_player canoe
7 1 if spot is in oppoonent canoe
potential new planes: wins the game for self/opponent