Get Jazzy AJAX

  • Fork or Use Template
  • Clone
  • npm install to get all of the dependencies (just express for now)


  • Look at the pattern for the working /artist server code & AJAX request.
  • Add the server side code to return all the song data when a GET request is made for /song. Test this is working with the browser.
  • Set up a client AJAX request for /song, and display the song data on the DOM.
  • Add an HTML form for adding a new artist. Make a POST request to the server with artist information.
  • Add a server route that appends the artist to the array of artists on the server.


  • Add an HTML form for adding a new song. Make a POST request to the server with song information.
  • Add a server route that appends the song to the array of songs on the server.
  • The server.js file is getting a little crowded. Move arrays into a modules folder inside of your server folder (names like artist.js and song.js would be good).
  • The /artist and /song requests are working! Add a third array for albums that has title and year for the release date.
  • Add some styling to the page