
Reorder tabs that use the Microsoft Docs tabs syntax

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Docs Tab Switcher

Need to switch the order of conceptual tabs in a Microsoft Docs article?

The Docs Tab Switcher scans a folder for Markdown files and reorders tab groups into your desired order.

Watch a short demo video to get started.


First, edit the config.json file and update the following properties:

Property Description
folderPath The folder path that holds your Markdown files
tabOrder List your desired order of the tabs in the article. Add the tab IDs in a comma separated list.
  "folderPath": "C:\\Users\\cshoe\\azure-functions",
  "tabOrder": "python-v1,python-v2"

Now you can run the script to transform your files:

node index.js


Keep the following issues in mind when using Docs Tab Switcher:

  • The tool runs on all files in the folder set as folderPath the config.js file.
  • The tool isn't designed to handle nested tabs. However, in nested tabs keep in mind that only the inner dependent tab in the pair is visible. The tab order of the outer conditional tab doesn't matter. For example, in the tab definition, [Inner tab](#tab/outer-tab/inner-tab) only the inner-tab set is visible and the order of outer-tab can't be determined by users. For more information about nested tabs, see the Tab syntax.
  • Having individual tabs commented out in markdown using <!--- --> may cause incorrect results.
  • The tool was designed to switch two tabs in a single tab group.
  • If you have questions, open an issue in the repo.