
My very poor and tasteless custom config.

Primary LanguageShell


Welcome to my personal config. If you know me personally, you know that I absolutely refuse to leave my terminal for anything other than a web browser and a few electron apps. Terminals have been the fastest input/output interface to deal with computers through the last few decades and a few generations of evolving technology.

This is the way.

This setup is custom tailored for me. Just like you wouldn't use anyone else's suit, this is not meant for you to clone, set and forget but rather: I'm sharing what I do on a day to day basis and hopefully we can learn from each other.


Here's a brief breakdown of the tools that I use.

Heavy rotation: Day to day basis, several hours

  • neovim. A rewrite of Vim with Lua as a scripting language and a fast MessagePack API
  • tmux. Terminal multiplexer. A server modeled, text-based session -> window -> pane viewport segregation
  • ripgrep. Developer grep. The (currently) fastest clear text, regex based recursive search tool
  • fzf.
  • z.

Day to day, all day, but I don't think too much about them

  • fish. An exotic shell, full color support and autocompletions with minimal config
  • starship. Rust based, context sensible prompt
  • delta. A Levenshtein-based diff tool with syntax highlight

Frequently used, handy to have around

  • fdfind. Better find, recursively search by filename
  • exa. Better ls, full color support, sane defaults
  • batcat. Better cat with syntax highlight
  • htop. Better top with color support and context tooling integrated
  • ctop. Container monitor for Docker

Rarely used, powerful functionality when needed

  • procs. Better ps, color support, smaller featureset
  • dust. Tree-like storage usage visualization
  • duf. Better df, list mounted storage devices
  • tokei. Lines of code counter, language sensitive

NOTE: Pending fzf, z, httpie, jq