
Boss Fight prototype for the module Creative Practice at Glasgow Caledonian University.

Primary LanguageShaderLab

DISCLAIMER: This game was made in the course of two months while learning Unity and coding practices. It's lacking in both technical work and assets (most of which were from external sources).

This game is a souls-like Boss Fight prototype I made for the module Creative Practice at Glasgow Caledonian University. It features two characters, one controlled by the player and another controlled by an AI, with distinct models and animations. Both fight in a enclosed arena and are defeated in one hit, after which the game restarts.

It's important to mention that it was my first time developing a game in 3D, and it was made in the course of two months. It might be a bit rough around the edges in both game feel and technical work.


- Walking. Push the left stick (controller) or WASD (keyboard) in any direction, half way through. Note: most keyboards don't handle analog press, so this action might be unusable.
- Running. Push the left stick (controller) or WASD (keyboard) in any direction, all the way through.
- Camera. Push the right stick (controller) or move the mouse to move the camera around the Player.
- Lock On. Press right stick (controller) or Q (keyboard) to focus the camera on the Boss. Press again to stop focusing.
- Sprint. While running, press left stick (controller) or CTRL (keyboard) to enable it. Press it again to stop sprinting.
- Jump. Press A (controller) or SPACEBAR (keyboard).
- Dodge. Press B (controller) or Left ALT (keyboard) to roll towards any direction.
- Attack 1. Press RB (controller) or Left Click (mouse). Up to three different attacks.
- Attack 2. Press RT (controller) or Right Click (mouse). Up to three different attacks.
- Jump Attack. Press Attack 1 after jumping.
- Parry. Press Left Button (controller) or the Mouse Wheel to parry an incoming attack. Requires timing.
- Counter-attack. Press Attack 2 after blocking successfully.


PROGRAMMING - Guillermo García Arredondo
ANIMATION - Guillermo García Arredondo, Kubold (Longsword Animset Pro, Sword Animset Pro, Movement Animset Pro)
MODELS - Alvarolopz98 (Aged Medieval Weapons), Dmitriy Dryzhak (Masks packs 2), TASSIMOV (Total Wars: Rome Character pack), The Tales Factory (Photoscanned MoutainsRocks PBR)