Comic Crawler

Mainly, this project is created for me to learn the Golang. Besides, I want to use this project to save the time for checkout the comics I followed by browsing each URL everyday.


  1. Familiar with Golang.
  2. Try to build a project that is not only a toy but also a project can run at production environment.


Now, only support the cartoonmad website.


  1. Golang v1.12
  2. Dep v0.5.0
  3. Mongo DB v2.6 or higher


dep ensure
go run main.go


  • An queue-worker architecture can broadcast the notification of following comics updating.
  • An User Interface can edit the following comics. Try to use GRPC Web
  • Comprehensive log system.
  • Dockerization version.
  • Elegant way to deal with callback hell when using colly. (Maybe use Go Channel)