aleph is a module for vocabluary-based named entity recognition: You read in a hierarchal-organized vocabluary (i. e. a thesaurus) and a text and aleph tells you which entities and concepts from the vocabluary appear in the text.
It is necessary to read in the thesaurus as SKOS in n3- or turtle-format; aleph uses the parseSKOS-module for this purpose. The vocabluary is than transformed into a PATRICIA trie, using this excellent Erlang trie-implementation. Using a trie makes it unnecessary to further preprocess the input-text with stemming or lemmatization.
parseSKOS comes with build-in support for two well documented and curated vocabluaries: The Standard Thesaurus Wirtschaft (STW) that includes terms to describe the domain of economics and the ACM Computer Classification System which aims to describe the domain of computer science.
The following examples show how to use your own and the build-in vocabluaries.
Say, you would like to find all computer science related concepts that are mentioned in the first paragraph of the wikipedias article about computer science:
iex(1)> firstParagraph = "Computer science is the scientific and practical approach..."
iex(2)> Aleph.Entities.get(firstParagraph, :ccs)
[{"design", "10011673"}, {"theory of computation", "10003752"},
{"spec", "10011242"}, {"computer", "10003458"}, {"automating", "10003569"},
{"computer science", "10003521"}, {"cell", "10011458"}, {"memory", "10010607"},
{"computer", "10003458"}, {"procedures", "10011035"},
{"computer science", "10003521"}]
As you can see this results into a list of tuples, where the first element denotes the entity and the second element the concepts unique descriptor-id. If you are only interested in the descriptors try this:
iex(3)> Aleph.Entities.get(firstParagraph, :ccs) |> { _syn, descriptor } -> descriptor end)
["10011673", "10003752", "10011242", "10003458", ... ]
To use the STW call the get-function in the following way:
iex(4)> Aleph.Entities.get(yourText, :stw)
If you would like to use your own vocabluary, the following steps are required.
iex(5)> voc = ParseSKOS.ParseTurtle.get("yourVocabluary.ttl") # or: Aleph.ParseNTriple.get("yourVocabluary.n3")
iex(6)> trie = Aleph.VocabluaryTrie.get_vocabluary(voc)
iex(7)> Aleph.Entities.get(yourText, trie)