
A process killer for windows and linux

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A Node process killer for Windows and Linux and OSX.


  • Kill a process specifying the port it is listening to.
  • Kill multiple processes occupying multiple ports.
  • ...the above, with a delay


The easiest way to use p-killa is to install it globally.

npm i -g p-killa


kill a single process

p-killa --ports 4000

kill a multiple processes

p-killa --ports 4000,3000,8080,9090

kill a multiple processes with a 5 seconds delay

p-killa --ports 4000,3000,8080,9090 --delay 5


This project is maintained and sponsored by:


This project has been bootstrapped using nod and coded with the amazing IntelliJ IDEA.

To hack a little bit with it you can additionally run npm run auto-build-install, which transpiles es6 and installs the module globally. If you are developing on windows but want to test it on linux you can run the provided docker container.

First, build and bash into the container by running. docker-test\linux\run.cmd

Now you can play around opening and shutting down ports. I use http-server -pp 4000 . & followed by p-killa --ports 4000 --delay 5 for example.

If you want to test it on your host just run npm run test