CM API Time-series

Provide the aggregated timeseries for a given query in CSV format


  • Python 2.7+
  • CM API Python Client


The CM API Python Client is a dependency and must be installed via:

git clone git://
cd cm_api/python
python install

The CM API Time-series script can then be installed via:

git clone
cd cm-api-timeseries


Example usages:

./ --help
./ "select cpu_percent"
./ "select total_cpu_user where roleType=DATANODE"
./ "select (waiting_maps + waiting_reduces) where roleType=JOBTRACKER"
./ --from_time 2013-08-29T10:00 --to_time 2013-08-29T16:00 "select (waiting_maps + waiting_reduces) where roleType=JOBTRACKER"
./ --host --port 80 --version 4 --user my-user --password my-user-password "select (waiting_maps + waiting_reduces) where roleType=JOBTRACKER"

For details on how to define valid queries, see the CM tsquery language reference.

The console output is structed as a CSV and can therefore be piped to a file for looking at using a CSV reader (eg Excel, OpenOffice etc) and further analysis.