A module to use the Maven resource plugin filtering as a naive script and library pre-processor of a template file.
To compile, build and package from source, this project requires:
- Maven 3
- JDK 1.8
- Scala 2.11
The plugin can be used as per the example.
To perform a release:
# Change the following variables to appropriate values for your target release
export MT_VERSION_HEAD=1.3.2
mvn release:prepare -B -DreleaseVersion=$MT_VERSION_RELEASE -DdevelopmentVersion=$MT_VERSION_HEAD-SNAPSHOT && \
mvn release:perform && \
mvn clean install && \
git add -A && \
git commit -m "Update for scripts for maven-templater-"${MT_VERSION_HEAD}"-SNAPSHOT" && \
git push --all && \
git tag