
Message transfer from one protocol to another.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Ermez is message transfer tool. Configure a topic to consume and another one to publish. Currently supporting : Pulsar (consume/publish, no tls), Mercure (consume, publish), Rabbitmq (consume, publish), SQS (consume, publish)

How to use :

 docker run -e CONNECTION_STRING_FROM=http://mercure_server/.well-known/mercure?topic=test -e CREDENTIALS_FROM=jwt -e CONNECTION_STRING_TO=amqp://guest:guest@rabbit:5672/%2F?topic=topic&exchange=exchange&routing_key=routing_key ggekos/ermez

Connection strings :

Theses connection strings differs from the usual strings used by services.

Mercure : http://mercure_server/.well-known/mercure?topic=test alongside with a jwt

Pulsar : pulsar://pulsar_server:6650?topic=topic alongside with a jwt

Rabbitmq : amqp://guest:guest@rabbit:5672/%2F?topic=topic&exchange=exchange&routing_key=routing_key

SQS : http://sqsserver:9324?queue=default alongside with aws credentials (region_name:X,aws_secret_access_key:Y,aws_access_key_id:Z,use_ssl:True)


copy .env.dist into .env. Fill the value with jwt key and token.

make install

In the docker compose file you can produce dumb message with the producer. Change the env var of ermez to test configuration.

make start

make stop


  • Error connection
  • Test
  • Add support for Azure Message Bus
  • Option to ack/delete message