
'Comcomp' helps integrate compojure routes with Stuart Sierra's 'Component' library

Primary LanguageClojure


Be careful, it is alpha version!

'Comcomp' helps integrate Compojure routes with Stuart Sierra's 'Component' library.

It provide defroutes-with-deps macro which you can use to describe 'route component'

                       RoutesComponent      ; <- Component name

                       [first-dep second-dep]        ; <- Dependency list.

                       (GET "/hello" [] (some-func first-dep))          ; <- Routes spec
                       (POST "/word" [] (some-second-func second-dep))) ;You can use
                                                                        ;previously defined

Leiningen dependency info:

[comcomp "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]


;Define routes component using compcomp macro defroutes-with-deps.
;Describe and use dependencies

(ns app
  (:require [com.stuartsierra.component :as comp]
            [comcomp.core :as comcomp]
            [compojure.handler :as handler]
            [ring.adapter.jetty :as rj])
  (:use compojure.core))

                       AppRoutes      ; <- Component name

                       [app-db]        ; <- Dependency list.

                       (GET "/word" [] (get-word app-db))    ;<- Routes spec
                       (GET "/count" [] (get-count app-db))) ;You can use previously
                                                             ;defined dependencies

;Macro will create AppRoutes record. It implements comp/Lifecycle and IRotesDescriber
;IRoutesDescriber defines get-routes, you can use this method to get described routes.

;Create routes component and provide dependencies.
(def system (comp/system-map  :app (comp/using (map->App {}) [:app-routes])
                              :app-db (comp/using ...)
                              :app-routes (comp/using (map->AppRoutes {})
                                                       ;      ^
                                                       ;      |
                                                       ;Create routes component

                                                       [:app-db]))) ;<- Provide dependency

;Use comcomp/get-routes to get described routes from routes component.

(defrecord App [app-routes]
  (start [this]
    (assoc this :server
                  (rj/run-jetty (handler/site

                                  (routes (comcomp/get-routes app-routes)))
                                  ;                ^
                                  ;                |
                                  ; Run app with described routes

                                  {:port 8080 :join? false})))
  (stop [this] (.stop (:server this)) this))


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