
Send a response object to a custom resource by way of an Amazon S3 presigned URL

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Streamline AWS CloudFormation Custom Resource Management with Python's cfnresponse2

Simplify the management of custom resources in AWS CloudFormation, especially within AWS Lambda environments, using the cfnresponse2 Python package.


You can effortlessly install the cfnresponse2 package via pip:

pip install cfnresponse2

Alternatively, you have the option to download it directly or upload it to Amazon S3:

import urllib3, sys, os

raw_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ggiallo28/cfnresponse/master/cfnresponse/__init__.py"
with open("/tmp/cfnresponse.py", "wb") as f, urllib3.PoolManager() as http:
    f.write(http.request("GET", raw_url).data)

from cfnresponse import register_handler, lambda_handler

@register_handler("create", "update", "delete")
def myfun(event, context):
    return {}

Practical Use Cases

cfnresponse2 is designed with AWS Lambda functions in mind, serving as custom resource handlers in CloudFormation stacks. It simplifies CloudFormation operations such as creating, updating, and deleting custom resources. This empowers you to execute custom logic during stack operations.

For comprehensive examples showcasing effective usage of the cfnresponse2 package, explore the samples directory within the repository. These samples cover various scenarios of custom resource management within CloudFormation.

from cfnresponse import register_handler, lambda_handler

def custom_create(event, context):
    # Your custom logic for handling the 'create' action
    response_data = {"message": "Resource creation successful"}
    return response_data

def custom_update(event, context):
    # Your custom logic for handling the 'update' action
    response_data = {"message": "Resource update successful"}
    return response_data

def custom_delete(event, context):
    # Your custom logic for handling the 'delete' action
    response_data = {"message": "Resource deletion successful"}
    return response_data

Repository Structure

The project repository is organized as follows:

  • cfnresponse: Houses the __init__.py file, serving as the core of the cfnresponse2 module.
  • LICENSE: Contains licensing information associated with the package.
  • README.md: The document you are currently reading, offering essential instructions for usage.
  • samples: Contains sample Lambda functions that provide practical demonstrations of cfnresponse2 usage. The actual code resides in the repository, not within this README.
  • setup.py: A configuration file for setting up the package.
  • tests: Contains test cases tailored to evaluate the functionality of the cfnresponse2 package.

Important Note

cfnresponse2 maintains compatibility with Amazon Web Services (AWS) cfnresponse module, readily available within Python AWS Lambda environments. You can seamlessly update your code with this package, ensuring a smooth transition without disruptions.