
Country Database in Python

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Country Database in Python

  • name
  • currency
  • flag
  • official_languages
  • ...

See ggicci/countries for the full list of the properties.


pip install country-database


Load all countries

from country_database import load_countries

CountryIndex = load_countries()
print(CountryIndex.CAN.alpha2_code) # "CA"
print(CountryIndex.CAN.name) # "Canada"
print(CountryIndex.CAN.name.to_locale("zh")) # "加拿大"

CountryIndexZh = load_countries(locale="zh")
print(CountryIndexZh.CAN.name) # "加拿大"
print(CountryIndexZh.CAN.name.to_locale("en")) # "Canada"

Load one country

from country_database import load_country

ca = load_country("CA") # or "CAN"
print(ca.name) # "Canada"

Load a custom list of countries

from dataclasses import dataclass
from country_database import CountryProperties, load_countries_generic

class MyCountryIndex:
    CAN: CountryProperties
    USA: CountryProperties
    CHN: CountryProperties

CountryIndex = load_countries_generic(MyCountryIndex)

Add custom properties to a country

The default database is ggicci/countries. You can add your own data and load them easily by instantiate a DataLoader and pass it to the load_countries*, load_country* or just merge your database to the default_dataloader.

from pathlib import Path
from dataclasses import dataclass
from country_database import (

CUSTOM_DATA_DIR = Path("/path/to/your/custom/data/dir")

# NOTE: if you don't need the fields from the default database,
# you can just inherit CountryPropertiesBase instead of CountryProperties
class MyCountry(CountryProperties):
    custom_field_1: Property
    custom_field_2: Property

# WAY 1: create a new dataloader.
loader = DataLoader() # will load the default database

# NOTE: If you don't want to load the default database, use the following statement:
# It will create a loader which only loads
# 1. the country codes from the default database;
# 2. data from CUSTOM_DATA_DIR;
# but data from the default database won't be loaded.
# loader = DataLoader(CUSTOM_DATA_DIR)

CountryIndex = load_countries_generic(FullCountryIndex[MyCountry], loader=loader)

# WAY 2: merge your database to the default_dataloader.
from country_database import default_dataloader
CountryIndex = load_countries_generic(FullCountryIndex[MyCountry])