Guides on how to run this project

Setting up hypeledger fabric (hlf) testnet

  1. The first thing you need to do is to setup the fabric network
  • while in the project root switch to script dir
    # change directory to scripts
    cd scripts
  • run setup script (this scripts helps setup the network and create a channel "mychannel" with couchDb and CA enabled)
    # setup hlf testnet
  1. After setting up the fabric testnet, you can deploy the chaincode to the channel (mychannel)
    # deploy chaincode to "mychannel"
  1. Now you can simulate creating a user

    • To simulate creation of userA, run the simulate script
        # simulate creation of default user [userA]
    • To simulate creation of another user, pass the username as an argument
        # simulate creation of custom user 
        ./ userB

The testnetwork should now be completely setup with atleast on user.

Running the go application

To run the gateway application for simulating user activities,

    # cd into gateway dir from root
    cd gateway

    # run go app
    go run .

NOTE: To simulate different smart contract functions, you have to make some edits to the app.go for function calls and connect.go to change the current user interacting with the blockchain network.