iTunes Library Explorer

Interactive tool for exploring an iTunes library export.

How to

  1. File > Library > Export Library in iTunes (this seems to include a little more information than the ~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml file).
  2. Run itunes_explore PATH_TO_EXPORTED_XML and run commands on Library.


# Print tree of all playlists (shows folders with '+' and playlists with '-').

# Find a playlist by persistent ID

# Find a playlist by name
Library.playlists.find_by_name('Cool playlist')

# Show tracks of a playlist
pp Library.playlists.find_by_name('Cool playlist').tracks; nil

# Show playlists contained in a folder playlist
pp Library.playlists.find_by_name('Cool folder').playlists; nil

# Show all audio file tracks
pp Library.tracks.audio_files; nil

Both playlists and tracks have a info method to return the raw information from the library XML.