A simple expense tracker written in Clojure.
The application uses a Postgres database, named sumptus
. Check the
configuration in the root project.clj
. Assuming you have Postgres already
installed on your system, create the database by running:
$ createdb sumptus
Then start the REPL through Leiningen with:
$ lein repl
And start the server from the REPL:
sumptus.web=> (sumptus.web/-main)
This will initialize the application, run the database migrations and start the web server, by default on port 5000.
Use the Heroku toolbelt command line tool to deploy Sumptus to Heroku.
$ heroku create APP_NAME
The application uses a Postgres database, so you need to install the addon.
$ heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
It's also convenient to set the Logback configuration to be a bit less verbose.
The default will print timestamps, which heroku logs
already provide. A
special logback-heroku.xml
file is provided in the resources directory. Simply
set the configuration key JVM_OPTS
with the system variable to point to the
alternative file, like so:
$ heroku config:set JVM_OPTS=-Dlogback.configurationFile=logback-heroku.xml
Then simply deploy by issuing a git push:
$ git push heroku master
Copyright © 2016 Gustavo Giráldez
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.