A simple RC car kit firmware and simple bash script to control it via curl commands.
See this Spark Docs page for details of how to build
- Robot Assembly Guide
- Advanced Robot Assembly Guide
- Arduino Motor Shield
- Controls the rc-car demo via tweets
- Spark RC Car iOS app
The bash script is essentially a loop that listens for keyboard input and invokes API commands corresponding with forware, backword, left, right, and stop instructions.
cd rc_car/controllers
export SPARK_CORE_DEVICE_ID="PUT_YOUR_DEVICE_ID_HERE!!!! i.e. acefdc000a01a411587f65d5"
export SPARK_CORE_ACCESS_TOKEN="PUT_YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE!!!! i.e. 3651b73e632b86881d47c65e7b0f59d511e97520"
source application.sh