
Spark Core app RC Car example

Primary LanguageC++


A simple RC car kit firmware and simple bash script to control it via curl commands.

How to build

See this Spark Docs page for details of how to build

How to Use

The bash script is essentially a loop that listens for keyboard input and invokes API commands corresponding with forware, backword, left, right, and stop instructions.

Open up a bash shell + go to controllers dir

cd rc_car/controllers

Set 2 env vars:

export SPARK_CORE_DEVICE_ID="PUT_YOUR_DEVICE_ID_HERE!!!! i.e. acefdc000a01a411587f65d5"
export SPARK_CORE_ACCESS_TOKEN="PUT_YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE!!!! i.e. 3651b73e632b86881d47c65e7b0f59d511e97520"

Load some bash functions into the current shell:

source application.sh

Then run the input loop function:
