
This is the code for My Arcade Game. This is a project from from the required work of Udacity FEND.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

My Arcade Game is a HTML5 Canvas + JavaScript game developed in compliance with Udacity's JavaScript Style Guide and as part of the course work of Udacity's Front End Nano Degree (FEND).

How to Play

You can play this game using one of the following link:

To play, use the arrow keys to move the player around the game.


Collect as many Gems as possible before running our of life. The player has a total of 5 attempts.

More Information

Visit the official game development proposal document Frogger Game: Getting Started

Also check out their official repository where it contains the Art assets and game engine]


  • Lee, Giwoo Gustavo

About the contributor

Self-taught web developer. Worked since 2013 with JavaScript. Check out his PORTFOLIO