
Bacterial population diversity analysis (Illumina 16S)

Primary LanguagePython

### Ribomatic v. 0.1                                                       ###
### Copyright 2011 Geraldine A. Van der Auwera                             ###

This project consists of a library of packages and a main script that can be
run as a pipeline. The pipeline script is designed to take a set of Illumina
sequence reads (forward and reverse) of bacterial 16S rDNA sequences amplified
by PCR, process them (trim, QC and merge) and then identify OTUs against a
reference ribosomal database.

The primary application is to assess the diversity of bacterial populations in
environmental samples.

As of 20 Oct 2011 the pipeline is fully functional. It will need a few more 
tweaks to be completely user-friendly, but it works.