These are some example C-CDAs created by John D'Amore of Diameter Health for the HL7 Example Task Force. See for more information on me and what I'm working on.

What's here now

  • 6 examples of allergies
  • 7 examples of medications
  • 3 examples of procedures
  • 5 examples of lab results
  • 2 examples of vital signs
  • 1 example of a problem Note that some of these may have been reviewed by HL7 task force and HL7 Structured Documents Working Group. See for more details


Lots of people will be implementing CCDA very soon; many have already started. But there are big questions about how to do what, and while an excellent implementation guide is a must, examples matter too. The community would benefit immensely from a public collection of examples that can be:

  • dissected,
  • discussed, and
  • corrected over time. (Note I stole the above text from CHB/J Mandel's Github repo for C-CDA documents submitted by EHR/HIT. Check that out @

Fine print

Samples posted here may not been approved by HL7 or any other body. They are educated guesses and may change over time. The C-CDA Skeleton being used in my examples was developed by Lisa Nelson and is available at!forum/ccda_samples