
Expenses tracking app

Primary LanguageMakefile


Pleo mobile challenge


  • Name: Expensee
  • Focus: iOS (React Native + Native module)

Set up

  • Run mobile-challenge/api server locally
  • Go to expensee and run npm install
  • Navigate to expensee/ios and run pod install
IMPORTANT: In expensee/ENV.js set the base url to read from/post to server
  • To run on ios simulator:
    • set baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000'
  • To run on iphone:
    • make sure your iphone is on the same wifi network as the machine where the server is running
    • set baseUrl: 'http://YOUR_WIFI_NETWORK_IP_ADDRESS:3000'
    • Launch the iOS simulator or open the project in Xcode and launch it on a real device from there

If the app does not build correctly on the javascript IDE you are using, build it directly from Xcode by opening the expensee.xcworkspace from the ios folder


  • Javascript and Swift
  • Non-Expo
  • State management: REDUX
  • Native module (Swift): Image picker (get called in JS realm, operates in Native Realm, returns data to JS realm)
  • External libraries
    • REDUX: redux, react-redux, redux-thunk
    • EXPO: @expo/vector-icons expo-font
    • REACT NAVIGATION: react-navigation react-navigation-stack react-navigation-header-buttons react-native-gesture-handler react-native-reanimated react-native-screens


Landing page

  • User can list expenses
  • Expenses are listed in with a limit of 25 per page showing for each expense:
    • Index
    • Amount and currency
    • Name (first and last) of the person who did the expense
    • Email of the person who did the expense
    • Date of the expense (MM/dd/YYYY, hh:mm 24hours)
    • Merchant name
    • If a comment has been added (bubble icon on top-right corner has full opacity)
    • If and how many receipts have been added (folder icon on top-right corner has full opacity and the number next to it has value > 0)
  • Upload next 25 or previous 25 by pressing the buttons at the bottom
  • User can tap on expense to navigate to the expense detail page
  • User can filter on expenses (NOTE: the search/filtering is done on all expenses (not just the 25 appearing on the page)
  • Tap on search icon on top right corner in navigation bar
  • Search for:
    • Currencies EUR, GBP, DKK: e.g. EUR -> all the expenses in EUR
    • Minimum amount and currency: e.g. 2000 EUR -> filters all the expenses >= 2000 EUR
    • Name or email of the person who did the expense (part of the name also works): e.g. Vick -> returns Vickie Lee
    • Last names starting with a letter: e.g. R -> retunrs all Last Names starting with R
  • Re-tap the icon to close the search box and reload the expenses if any search has been done

Expense detail page

  • User sees expense details
  • User can add/edit a comment on an expense
  • Comment is displayed next to the bubble icon
  • User can add a receipt image on an expense
  • Select picture from photo library or take new picture
  • See added receipt in a horizontal gallery below
  • Tap on receipt image to navigate to receipt detail page

Receipt detail page

  • User sees receipt picture full screen


  • Localization: it, en, da