
Todo list with RN and GraphQL backend (+ MongoDB)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mobile App

  • react native
  • Tested on iOS simulator
  • In client folder $ npm install $ cd ios && pod install && cd .. $ react-native run-ios

Functionalities app

  • List todos
  • Add todo (plus FAB button)
    • Description mandatory
    • Priority optional
  • Update todo (long press on list item)
    • Description mandatory
    • Priority optional
  • Mark as done (press on list item)
  • Delete todo (close icon on list item)
  • Filters (icon on top right)
    • Sort by date, priority, description
    • Ascending/Descending

Server side

  • GraphQL playground: http://localhost:4000/
  • Entry point index.js
  • In index folder $ npm install $ node index.js
  • Test graphql queries and mutations in test.sh

# Database

  • MongoDB
  • NOTE: in index.js add your mongo url (local or Atlas cluster) const url = 'YOUR_MONGO_DB_URI’;
  • Name you database: "mytodos"
  • Create a collection in the database called: "todos"
  • dump in mongodb_dump in root