
A ⚛️ Moleculer (https://moleculer.services/) module for generating CRUD APIs using 🍃🫧 MongoBubble (https://mongobubble.com/).

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A ⚛️ Moleculer module for generating CRUD actions using 🍃🫧 MongoBubble.

Heavily inspired from Moleculer's DB module, this module generates automatically CRUD actions based on an entity class typed for use with MongoBubble.


$ npm install --save moleculer-mongobubble

Assuming you have an User entity that extends MongoBubble's EntityWithLifecycle, import the mixin factory and use it in your service schema:

import { MongoBubbleMixin } from "moleculer-mongobubble";
import User from "./User";

const UsersService: Partial<ServiceSchema> = {
	version: 1,

	mixins: [MongoBubbleMixin<User>(User, { dbName: "dbname", uri: MONGO_URI })],

export default UsersService;

This code will automatically generate the following service actions:

Calling from other services

Action name Params Event emitted
list drafts?: boolean
archived?: boolean
getById id: string -
insertOne object users.created
patchOneById id: string
patch: object
patchOne filter: object
patch: object
replaceOne object users.updated
deleteOne id: string users.deleted
archive id: string users.archived
publish id: string users.published
unpublish id: string users.unpublished

Calling from API gateway (moleculer-web)

Method Route Query params Body
GET /api/v1/users ?drafts=true (optional)
?archive=true (optional)
GET /api/v1/users/:id - -
POST /api/v1/users - object
PATCH /api/v1/users/:id - object
PATCH /api/v1/users ?filter=object (optional) object
PUT /api/v1/users/:id - object
DELETE /api/v1/users/:id - -
PUT /api/v1/users/:id/archive - -
PUT /api/v1/users/:id/publish - -
PUT /api/v1/users/:id/unpublish - -

Database connections

The mixin accepts a second parameter, an object with the following properties:

Property Type Required Default Description
dbName string required - The name of the database to use
uri string optional - The URI of the MongoBubble connection
reuseGlobalClient boolean optional true Whether to reuse a single MongoClient in the same Moleculer node
reuseLocalRepository boolean optional true Whether to reuse a single MongoBubble repository in the same Moleculer service

uri property

If you don't provide a uri property, you should provide one of the MongoBubble's connection options.

reuseGlobalClient property

If you set reuseGlobalClient to false, a new MongoClient will be created for each service using the mixin. This is useful if you want to connect to different databases in different services.

You probably won't need to set this property to false if you're using a single database and if you want to optimize the number of connections.

When using the global client, the connection will be automatically closed when the service is stopped.

You can access the global client using the internal method getGlobalClient() of the service.

reuseLocalRepository property

If you set reuseLocalRepository to false, a new MongoBubble repository will be created for each action invocation within the same service.

This is useful only if you need to use different repositories for the same entity in the same service.

You can access the local repository using the internal method getRepository() of the service.

Repository and plugin options

The third parameter of the mixin is the option object that will be passed to the MongoBubble repository constructor. You should use it to configure the repository and to pass plugins options.

ID params in URLs

The id param is a string by default inside moleculer-web.

You should always use encoded strings in URLs, specially when IDs could have special characters.

Moleculer-MongoBubble will try to automatically convert IDs to the correct identity type using MongoBubble's parseId static method.

In this case, default primitives accepted by parseId are ObjectId, number and string, in this order. If you need to use more complex types, you can override the parseId method in your entity class.

Example with an UUID type:

import { EntityWithLifecycle } from "mongobubble";
import UUID from "uuid";

class User extends EntityWithLifecycle {
  static parseId(id: string) {
    return UUID.parse(id);


The MongoBubbleService mixin always returns documents serialized in EJSON to avoid losing data types.

This means an ObjectId will be serialized as { "$oid": "..." } and a Date will be serialized as { "$date": "..." }, for example.

  "_id": {
    "$oid": "5f9b0b3b9b0b3b9b0b3b9b0b"
  "name": "John Doe",
  "birthday": {
    "$date": "1990-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"

Input documents and parameters are also required to be in EJSON format, so you should serialize them when calling the actions.

const user = {
  _id: new ObjectId(),
  name: "John Doe",
  birthday: new Date("1990-01-01T00:00:00.000Z")

await broker.call("users.insertOne", EJSON.serialize(user));

To automatically serialize/deserialize EJSON objects, you can use the EJSON service mixin in services that would call other services built with MongoBubbleService mixin.

This mixin will add a service-level method call that wraps the broker call method to automatically serialize/deserialize EJSON objects.

import { Context, ServiceSchema } from "moleculer";
import { inspect } from "util";
import { EjsonServiceMixin } from "moleculer-mongobubble";

const CustomService: Partial<ServiceSchema> = {
  version: 1,
  name: "custom-service",

  mixins: [EjsonServiceMixin],

  actions: {
    callUsersList: {
      async handler(ctx: Context<{ param1: string }>) {

        // params are serialized to EJSON
        const result = await this.call("v1.users.list", { drafts: true });

        // results are BSON native objects
        console.log("log", inspect(result));

export default CustomService;

Plus, the mixin also will add a before hook to automatically deserialize EJSON objects in incoming requests.

⚠️ This would be the best solution when working with automatic EJSON serialization, until this moleculer issue is solved.


  • Authoring and auditing metadata
  • Implement the remaining MongoBubble's methods
  • Replace connection utility by MongoBubble's connection managers
  • Implement other Moleculer features, like caching
  • Unit tests