
Introduction to Python programming

These are my personal notes from the Udacity Course on Python 3

Topics include

1. Data Structures and Operators

  • data types and operators
  • variables
  • strings and string methods

2. Data Structures

  • lists and list methods
  • tuples and method
    • tuple unpacking
  • sets
    • add and pop
  • dictionaries
    • get() method
    • identity operators

3. Control Flow

  • for loops
    • word count with loops and dictionaries
    • key and values using items()
  • while loops
  • break and continue
  • zip and enumerate
  • list comprehension

4. Functions

  • variable scope
  • documentation
  • lambda expressions
    • lambda with map()
    • lambda with filter()

5. Scripting

  • raw input
  • errors and exceptions
    • exception handling
    • reading and writing files
    • importing modules
    • The Standard library

6. Iterators and Generators