provides a basis for building XMPP applications with Plone.
In short, jarn.xmpp.twisted
- Extensions to the wokkel package by implementing parts of the following XMPP extensions:
- A Twisted reactor that runs side-by-side with the Zope instance.
- Utilities that provide XMPP clients of two sorts, a deferred client that initially connects, executes a task and disconnects as soon as it is done, as well as a normal client that remains connected and can respond to XMPP events.
- An XMPP component base class for writing custom components.
is part of a suite, with the other packages being:
- jarn.xmpp.core, provides facilities for presence, messaging, chatting and microblogging.
- jarn.xmpp.collaboration provides an XMPP protocol to do real-time collaborative editing as well as a Plone-targeted implementation.
requires a working XMPP server installation. Please refer to the jarn.xmpp.core documentation on how to set it up.
Some of the included tests are functional tests that require a XMPP server running on localhost
as well as an administrator account setup up on this server with JID admin@localhost
and password admin
. If you wish to run those you have to specify a level 2 on your testrunner, i.e.
./bin/test -a 2 -s jarn.xmpp.twisted
- Most of this work was done using the 10% time available to Jarn AS employees for the development of open-source projects.