
kafka-devOps UNIX scripts

Primary LanguageShell


The kafka-devOps project's goal is to provide user-friendly UNIX scripts for management of a simple Apache Kafka installation. Also see the following for downloading Apache Kafka

Additional setup steps to configure a separate local Kafka properties files

  • mkdir config
  • cp $KAFKA_HOME/config/server.properties config/
  • cp $KAFKA_HOME/config/zookeeper.properties config/

This is currently a BETA version of the scripts that have been tested in a local single server MAC environment.

Also see Kakfa tool for a GUI for Kakfa topic management.

Startup Scripts

The following are the management scripts to configure/run a Kafka installation

Resource Notes
setenv.sh Set local environment variables (see setenv section below)
common.library Internal utility script
startZookeeper.sh Script for starting Zookeeper
startKafka.sh Script for starking a Kakfa broker


The following is an overview of the variables in the setenv

Variable Note Example
KAFKA_HOME Apache Kafka installation directory ex: /apacheKafka/kafka_2.11-2.3.0
KAFKA_HOST Apache Host Name localhost
CONFIG_DIR Location of kafka server.properties zookeeper.properties files ex ./config
KAFKA_BROKER_PORT The Kafka Port ex: 9092
ZOOKEEPER_PORT The Zoo Keeper listening PORT 2181


Execute the following to start a local Kafka instance

'# Step Script
1 Start Zoopkeeper ./startZookeeper.sh
2 Start Kafka broker ./startKafka.sh

Topic Access Scripts

The following can be used to access topics and its containing data.

Script Note
consumerTopic.sh Listen for topic events to print to stdout
countTopic.sh Counts the number of events in a topic
createTopic.sh create a Kafka topic
deleteTopic.sh Deletes a topic
publishTopic.sh push a message to a topic
listTopics.sh list the available topics
showMessages.sh Show messages on a topic