
A small tutorial given at LA DataCon on a basic Data Science. The tutorial was done in python but I wanted to try to do it in R.

Loan Prediction Model

A small tutorial given at LA DataCon on a basic Data Science. The tutorial was done in python but I wanted to try to do it in R.

What happened and why it happened is what Data Analysis amounts to.
What will happen tomorrow is predictive analytics.

Case Problem: A bank wants to determine who should get a loan based on current data.

  1. Understand the problem and what the expected product is: A bank wants to determine which customers are most likely to need a bank loan. Using data on hand: the final product should be a predictive model that can determine if a new client needs a loan.

  2. What data do we have? The data consists of generale features a financial institution would have on its clients. (Ex. Loan amount, Gender, Education,etc) Dataset is mixed with both numeric and categorical data.

  3. Analysis and Preparation

  • Initial summary showed missing values in several columns of the dataset.
  • These missing values were replaced with either the mean for numeric or the mode for categorical data.
  • One hot encoding was used on categorical variables.
  • A correlation matrix was used to determine which features had the highest correlation.
  1. Model Selction
  • Logistic Regression
  • Decision Tree
  1. Results
  • Decision Tree
Accuracy Precision Sensitivity Specificity
0.8366013 0.9339623 0.9339623 0.6170213


  • Intro to Data Science, LA DataCon, Zia Khan