
Primary LanguageOCamlMIT LicenseMIT


License: MIT

The Functional JSON parsing library for BuckleScript inspired by Argo

How to use

1 Getting number

  • JSON
  "x": 6

Example 1

  • OCaml
let _ =
 let json = Js.Json.parseExn "{\"x\":6}" in
 match (json <| prop "x" Int) with
  | Some n -> print_int n
  | None -> ()


`( <| )` is function type is`Js.Json.t -> 'a kind -> 'a option`


`prop "x" Int` is `int kind`

`prop "x" Int` is syntax sugar `Object("x", Int)`

2 Nesting value

  • JSON
  "x": {
    "y": "Hey"

Example 2

  • OCaml
let _ =
 let json = Js.Json.parseExn "{\"x\":{\"y\":\"Hey\"}}" in
 match (json <| path ["x"; "y"] String) with
 | Some str -> print_endline str
 | None -> ()


path ["x"; "y"] String is string kind

path ["x"; "y"] String is syntax sugar Object("x", Object("y", String))

3 Record Type and Pattern Matching

  • JSON
  "x": {
    "key1": "Hello",
    "key2": 5
type foo = {
  str: string;
  num: int;

let init_foo str num = {str;num;}

let match_foo json = Some init_foo <*> (json <| prop "key1" String) <*> (json <| prop "key2" Int)

let _ =
 let json = Js.Json.parseExn "{\"x\":{\"key1\":\"Hello\",\"key2\":5}}" in
 match (json <| prop "x" (Match match_foo)) with
 | Some {str; num} -> print_string str; print_int num; print_newline()
 | None -> ()


@kdxu, @hiroqn


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details