
Official ruby client interface to the Mixpanel Data API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Mixpanel Data API Client

Gem Version Code Climate

Ruby access to the Mixpanel web analytics tool.

Mixpanel Data API Reference


gem install mixpanel_client

or if you use a Gemfile

gem 'mixpanel_client'


require 'rubygems'
require 'mixpanel_client'

client = Mixpanel::Client.new(
  api_key:    'changeme', 
  api_secret: 'changeme'

data = client.request(
  event:     'splash features',
  name:      'feature',
  values:    '["uno", "dos"]',
  type:      'unique',
  unit:      'day',
  from_date: '2013-12-1',
  to_date:   '2014-3-1',
  limit:     5

puts data.inspect

# The API also supports passing a time interval rather than an explicit date range
data = client.request(
  event:    'splash features',
  name:     'feature',
  values:   '["uno", "dos"]',
  type:     'unique',
  unit:     'day',
  interval: 7,
  limit:    5

# Use the import API, which allows one to specify a time in the past, unlike the track API.
# note that you need to include your api token in the data. More details at:
# https://mixpanel.com/docs/api-documentation/importing-events-older-than-31-days
data_to_import = {'event' => 'firstLogin', 'properties' => {'distinct_id' => guid, 'time' => time_as_integer_seconds_since_epoch, 'token' => api_token}}
require 'base64' # co-located with the Base64 call below for clarity
encoded_data = Base64.encode64(data_to_import.to_json)
data = client.request('import', {:data => encoded_data, :api_key => api_key})
# data == [1] # => true # you can only import one event at a time


You may also make requests in parallel by passing in the parallel: true option.

require 'rubygems'
require 'mixpanel_client'

client = Mixpanel::Client.new(
  api_key:    'changeme', 
  api_secret: 'changeme',
  parallel:   true

first_request = client.request(

second_request = client.request(

third_request = client.request(



puts first_request.response.handled_response
puts second_request.response.handled_response
puts third_request.response.handled_response    


List of rake tasks.

rake -T

Run specs.

rake spec

Run external specs.

cp config/mixpanel.template.yml config/mixpanel.yml
vi config/mixpanel.yml
rake spec:externals

Run rubocop and fix offences.




Collaborators and Maintainers



Copyright (c) 2009+ Keolo Keagy. See license for details.