
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mini React


The project depends on the following softwares:

node 8.10.x

npm 6.4.x


Once the requirements are met, go to the project directory and run the following commands to build the project:

npm install

npm run build

The solution will be build on ./solution directory

Design process

Firstly I identified that the library was able to render DOM elements by two means: via Component class and a node function. Tackling the node was easy, all it had to be done was create DOM with document.createElement and changing the attributes accordingly.

The next step was to deal with reconciliation recursively, for that I kept both the DOM and the node definition in a single structure where I could compare and decide whats gets updated or if the node was deleted. DOM elements are reused to reduce the quantity of objects in memory.

With reconciliation completed, was time to go back to Component and make it hold the internal state. A internal reference is kept inside each component instance so it's easier to detect a change and re-render when setState is called.

I tried to keep the changes to index.html and App.js to a minimum, for that purpose I used a simple IIFE encapsulate the code and introduced a Currency component to handle the numbers styling.

Technical debts

Unfortunately there is not a manner to style the range input track adequately. The part of the track that is lesser than the handle doesn't have a pseudo element implemented in Chrome and Firefox. I prioritized to not touch the App.js code, but it could be done if changing the original code was a option.

It's not possible to display the range labels via content: attr(min|max) in Firefox because by specification self-enclosing elements cannot have after and before pseudo-elements. That could be worked around inserting labels in the component. Nevertheless it works on other browsers.