
This repository contains an Ethereum transaction receipt relayer for the GGX network. The relayer verifies finalized blocks using Helios light client. The relayer requires a Beacon and Consensus RPC node, which updates and blocks will be verified. It will relay transaction receipts for the smart contracts list managed by the pallet in this repository.

Install dependencies

sudo apt install libsqlite3-dev


RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release -- --network sepolia --database db --helios-config-path helios.toml --substrate-config-path ggxchain-config.toml


  • GGX config || Field || Definition || |---|---| |is_dev| if set to true the Alice account will be used, and the phrase will be ignored| |ws_url| GGX RPC endpoint| |phrase| Account for signing transaction.|
  • Helios config

Please note that you need to update helios.toml checkpoint from time to time.

Action points to look

  • Check how it works if multiple relayers are working simultaneously.
  • Optimize batch sending of receipts.
  • Remove blocks older than X