
Open in the browser the classrooms whose name matches the specified regexp

Primary LanguageShell


Open in the browser the GitHub classrooms whose name matches the specified regexp


gh extension install gh-cli-for-education/gh-classroom-open


✗ ./gh-classroom-open -h 
Opens all the github classrooms matching <regexp> in the browser
If option -l is used only shows the urls
Usage: gh-classroom-open [-r|--regexp <regexp>]
       gh-classroom-open [-r|--regexp <regexp> -l|--list]
       gh-classroom-open [-h|--help]
       gh-classroom-open [-v|--version]


✗ ./gh-classroom-open -l -r '2223$'
131148 ULL-ESIT-PL-2223 https://classroom.github.com/classrooms/108465133-ull-esit-pl-2223
131345 ULL-MII-SYTWS-2223 https://classroom.github.com/classrooms/108465218-ull-mii-sytws-2223
131351 ULL-MFP-AET-2223 https://classroom.github.com/classrooms/108617085-ull-mfp-aet-2223
140381 ULL-ESIT-DMSI-2223 https://classroom.github.com/classrooms/108465062-ull-esit-dmsi-2223

Aliases gh cd and gh pwd

I have added two aliases to my gh config file to make it easier to navigate between classrooms.

➜  gh-classroom-open git:(main) ✗ gh  alias list | grep pwd
pwd: '!gh config get current-org'
➜  gh-classroom-open git:(main) ✗ gh  alias list | grep cd 
cd: '!gh config set current-org "$1" 2>/dev/null'

For instance:

➜  gh cd ULL-ESIT-DMSI-2324
➜  gh pwd
➜  gh classroom-open 

When no regexp is specified, it opens the default classroom as returned by gh pwd or it will show the help message