
The Dockerfile makes CIC tools working everywhere!

Primary LanguageShell


The Dockerfile and some helper files make CIC tools working everywhere.


  • Run CIC tools on Linux distributions not only CentOS 6
  • Synology NAS and LDAP support


  1. Install Docker
  2. Settings
    • Modify NFS server information in main.cpp
    dflags += " --add-host=synology_nas:";
    • If you have LDAP server, add information in auto.syno and Dockerfile
  3. Compile uname26.c
    $ gcc -o uname26 uname26.c
  4. Build Docker image
    $ docker build -t cic .
  5. Compile launcher program (root permission is required)
    $ g++ -o cic main.cpp
    $ chown root:root cic
    $ chmod u+s cic
  6. Run
    $ ./cic <user>


Copyright (c) 2017 Gary Huang